Borderline Personality Disorder is really an outdated term, it doesn’t actually specify the struggle that defines a group of people, like myself. The more updated term Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder is a much more accurate description of the condition.

I was diagnosed in 2017, and if I am honest, I thought it was some wishy washy quack bullsh*t. Around 3 or 4 years later, I began researching the condition. It’s far more than just a diagnosis. It’s an explanation for years of torment, one experienced all their lives.

Growing up, I was obedient, for the most part. My teen years were draped in a veneer of pathological deceit. The mundane life I actually led, fell deeply short of what I wanted it to be. So what I fantasized about became my fantasy life.

I graduated to more lessening behaviour, that only diminished an already deflated young ego.

I began drinking…

Taking drugs…

Engaging in illegal behaviours…

I was self-harming…

I acted like a young woman gone mad!

I felt so much guilt. For so long, and still do! Not that the diagnosis annulled my negative and destructive behaviour. It simply gave me a foundation of understanding of why I would do such things.

At this stage, around one year of attempting to heal, I am around a third way in, maybe less, and I feel like I can accept the lunatic I have been all my life. I don’t hate it like I used to. I just accept it. Part of the reason it is successful, at least in part, is the fact I am being honest, about who I am. And unapologetically so – at least out loud!

Healing is also about improving self-image and self-belief. Those are the important definitions of a person. ❤️

Charli Says…

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret. Being a mum… I was seventeen and pretty naive… I was in my first long term relationship… We found out I was pregnant… He was cruel and manipulative… I didn’t want to end up like so many others… I didn’t want to be trapped… The…

Charli Says…

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently? Back in the days of my 20s, I was gothy, and loved being colourful on my head… Uh before all this new trend! All these colour phases were performed at home by myself. I had little to…

Charli Says…

How do you use social media? Social media, the one thing in most people’s lives. Isn’t it interesting to know that with the advent of such abilities, we have people who know nothing about its powers. However, I do believe social media is a good way to research people and ideas, giving us a wider…

Charli Says…

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind. You say this to an impulsive booch like me… Well… Don’t blame me! So, what would you do if you woke up and the next person you see has your face. Then every person you see after that has also got your face? I have…

Charli Says…

Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you. When my friend’s mum told me she had fun times with a barman that worked in the pub she worked at… And he was 30 years her junior! And she was married at the time! The positive takeaway is… mum’s open up…

Charli Says…

What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why? Australia, and it’s wildlife! From plants to animals, they’re all killer! I’m far too terrified! I’m not a fan of spiders or death, so you know yeah! XxX

Charli Says…

Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you. My husband. Just being there, and not finding me abhorrent.

I’m Getting Really Weirded Out!

Another EVP has been picked up on our podcast! This is the 3rd recording I’ve edited that has an EVP! We are a mental health podcast, I can promise you we have no affiliation with the paranormal community. A year or two ago, I met a group called Knocks Paranormal. I did several investigations, with…

💭Weekly stats💭

FollowersTikTok – 212 => 216 😍Instagram – 112 => 114😍Facebook – 15 ☹️ Thank-you for following and subscribing ❤️❤️❤️ Views / Likes / PlaysWordPress – (V/L) 1,011/716 => 1063/766😍TikTok – (L) 490 => 561😍YouTube – (V) 189 => 195😍Spotify – (P) 68 => 82😍Facebook – (L) 12☹️ Thank-you so much for showing your love! ❤️❤️❤️…

Charli Says…

What is your favorite restaurant? I’m going to take this as a type of restaurant, in which case, I love South Indian / Sri Lankan cuisine. Why? Because it’s homely, warm, spicy hot, delicious and full of aromas and flavors, that will take you on a taste experience rollercoaster! Disclaimer – any ill feeling after…

Charli Says…

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself as someone who can tick off some cool stuff off her vision list. Honestly I see someone who can turn her life around and truly live her potential in life. I am a dark minded person with a crazy personality. I know this is…

Dear ???

I’m sorry but I thought we understood each other. As it turns out, you were no more than a soundboard. I don’t know if your support was conditional, and to get a point across. I don’t know if you basked in the pain, or the venting I engaged in often. I just don’t understand. Now…

Charli Says…

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. Asserting oneself to be the best she can be! This means going out and studying a subject I love deeply. Also, following my passion to help people, and to heal through helping others.
